"Added 'Level Set' force, springs can now have upper and lower cutoffs, added depth dependent pressure force, added 'relative' and 'waterline' options to Wind force."
Made exclusively from polypropylene pipe and nylon cable ties, this installation occupied an entire room at Industry Gallery, in Washington DC from September to November 2011.
The work partly pays homage to Washington DC's own iconic cherry trees, whilst also questioning our relationship with and attitudes towards plastics.
The longevity and ready availability of the industrially manufactured materials used to construct the installation stands in stark contrast to the ephemerality and natural beauty of the cherry trees and blossoms it emulates."
[via www.dezeen.com]
Using Yeti you can build a parametric model through code and see changes instantly.
Yeti is still a work in progress and only offers a very basic geometry library at the moment, but you can improve it by contributing to the C# codebase over at bitbucket.
We support architects, planners, engineers, and contractors
in the efficient design and production of non-standard architecture.
designtoproduction implements digital process chains from design to production based on parametric CAD-models and offers consulting services for parametric planning, detailing, optimization, and digital manufacturing."
"RFR is an engineering company that specialises in the design of complex structures and of sophisticated envelopes, in intimate symbiosis with the physical character of the building concerned. Its competence goes far beyond construction techniques alone, to attain the creation of the elegant structures that reconcile engineering and architecture.
The work of RFR is founded on mastery of the technical tools and of the associated scientific concepts. Its use of the most advanced computer applications and exploitation of the most recent technologies enable the company to generate a synthesis of construction parameters which lead to solutions that are at once rigorous,innovative and efficient.
RFR was founded in Paris in 1982 by Peter Rice, and is also based at Stuttgart in Germany, at Shanghai in China, and at Abu Dhabi in the Emirates. The firm has distinguished itself over the intervening years on many projects, executed in every part of the world. The wide range of skills possessed by its staff, composed of engineers, architects and industrials designers, enable it to operate in very diverse contexts, and to use the widest variety of materials.
RFR has been able to design structures of high quality, intended for unique locations like the Musée du Louvre or the Louis Vuitton store on the avenue des Champs Elysées in Paris, the Capitol in Washington, the Irish Parliament building in Dublin, or the library of the Indian Parliament in new Delhi.
RFR interprets its calling in terms of a global vision that is synonymous with quality."
We are a small research based architectural practice, where we use research both to reposition ourselves and simultaneously to create projects that give us a completely different approach than other architectural firms.
We believe that the ability to design free, affordable and sustainable lies in the ability to understand and make full use of the latest technologies and production methods and introduce them as the basis for modern architecture."
Founded in December 2010 by Sigrid Brell-Cokcan and Johannes Braumann, robots in architecture is an open platform for everybody interested in the creative use of and innovative fabrication with industrial robots.
Robots in Architecture is engaged in applied research, soft- and hardware development, “robot pedagogics” – and in the question: how soon will robots revolutionize architecture?
We pursue the association’s goal by offering workshops and holding lectures at international conferences, schools, and universities, and by maintaining the Robots in Architecture homepage, which serves as a hub for all things robotic in architecture, art, and design."
"The 21st century revolution in building technology has a name. D-Shape.
The mega scale free-form printer of buildings.
What couldn't be done, now can be done."
"D-Shape is a new robotic building system using new materials to create superior stone-like structures.
This new machinery enables full-size sandstone buildings to be made without human intervention, using a stereolithography 3-D printing process that requires only sand and our special inorganic binder to operate. D-Shape is a new building technology which will revolutionize the way architectural design is planned, and building constructions are executed. By simply pressing the “enter” key on the keypad we intend to give the architect the possibility to make buildings directly, without intermediaries who can add interpretation and realization mistakes."
"In eQUILIBRIUM, the design and analysis of structures are taught through interactive, graphic statics-based drawings created with GeoGebra rather than text and equations.
Graphic statics is a powerful method for the design and analysis of structures that, by using force polygons and simple geometric construction techniques, provides intuitive visual information about the relation between form and forces in a structural system."
RhinoVAULT - designing funicular form in Rhino
"A new release of PanelingTools plugin is now available for Rhino 5.0 Beta.
You can find download links and documentation at PanelingTools download
New in this release:
Added mesh module support to paneling variable custom 3D components. It is
now possible to select a list of mesh modules or two meshes and calculate
mean modules.
Fixed a bad geometry bug when paneling surfaces with singularity.
Added support to generate mean curves with local bounding space.
Added the ability to define bounding space when creating variable mean
Added support for local bounding space for 3d variable modeling.
Added support to create notches in ptFinEdges and ptExtrudeEdges commands.
Fixed labeling objects UI bug.
Fixed crash bug when creating singular panels.
Fixed a bug related to applying variable patterns to diamond grids.
Added ptTriangulateFaces command.
Added GetPanelingGrid function to scripting to capture a paneling grid and
turn into two dimensional array of points."
"Material Intensities
Imagine the design space of architecture was no longer at the scale of rooms, walls and atria, but that of cells, grains and vapour droplets. Rather than the flow of people, services, or construction schedules, the focus becomes the flow of light, vapour, molecular vibrations and growth schedules: design from the inside out.
The sg2012 challenge, Material Intensities, is intended to dissolve our notion of the built environment as inert constructions enclosing physically sealed spaces. Spaces and boundaries are abundant with vibration, fluctuating intensities, shifting gradients and flows. The materials that define them are in a continual state of becoming: a dance of energy and information."
"Der Empfang ist beeindruckend. Ein über 70 Meter langes Ellipse begrüßt die abfliegenden und ankommenden Gäste auf dem internationalen Flughafen von Baku. 72 Meter spannt sich ein doppelt gebogenes Rohrfachwerk über die Haupteinfahrt.
Die Ingenieure von Waagner-Biro verbanden perfekt Dreigurtbinder mit durchgehenden Blechen. Die Stahltechnik ist bei diesem Bauwerk auf seinem Höhepunkt. Drei Elemente und zwei Materialien verschmelzen als wären sie immer eins gewesen.
In der extrem kurzen Bauzeit von zehn Monaten entstand für den Bauherren Silk Way Holding das zwei Millionen Euro Objekt. "
"Das Österreichische Filmmuseum hat zwei grundlegende Zielsetzungen:
1. die seit Bestehen des Museums angelegte Sammlung von Filmen und filmbezogenen Objekten zu bewahren, auszubauen, zu erforschen und zu vermitteln;
2. entlang dieser Sammlung und durch Leihgaben das Medium Film in all seinen Dimensionen und historischen Erscheinungsformen darzustellen. Das Filmmuseum ist ein spezifischer Ausstellungsraum (Film als zeitbasiertes Ereignis, Erfahrung eines Aufführungsaktes), ein Sammlungsort und Archiv (Film als Artefakt, als lokales und globales Gedächtnis), eine Forschungs- und Bildungsstätte und ein Raum der öffentlichen Auseinandersetzung und Reflexion (Film als Knotenpunkt kultureller und gesellschaftlicher Diskurse)."